Friday, October 24, 2014

2nd Semester, 3rd Blog: Education

The “lucro” in privates Universities and schools, the low quality of education on public schools, the high breach between paid and non paid schools and many others topics related to education in Chile are discussing now by politics and experts.
Education is a polemic theme because in dictatorship the policies about education was changed radically, for example the University of Chile was free for all but between 1973 and 1988 this situation changed and now is a paid institution. So, these days a lot of political parties, social organizations, student’s federations and others are fighting for the free-pay of education on Universities and schools.

In December 2012, the then Education Minister Harald Beyer, decided to close the Universidad del Mar because it have not controls that would ensure a minimum quality at all campus and careers. The legislation, which was approved by the Comptroller, the campus continued not enrolling new students, but was required to complete the process of study of former students. Today this university is open, but his close has been programmed to 2016.

After the change of command of the new president government has intensified its work to implement this reform and an end to the irregularities in education. Personally I think the problem is in some state funding to educational institutions, if the teachers were improved wages, schools they had better infrastructure and universities did not have to self-finance the quality would be better but it is very difficult to make so many changes in so little time, which is why we will be future professionals who must work to remove all barriers that separate us from a good education and I hope that in a decade or two the new education be a reality and not a dream that we should still fight.

1 comment:

  1. Gonzalo:

    298. Very good.
    Indeed, education is a very polemical topic, it has been for the last years. Pay attention to:
    Remember adjectives in English do not take a plural form ( private universities and not “privateS”)
    These topics you mention are “BEING DISCUSSED”, THE TOPICS ARE NOT “DISCUSSING”, are they?.
    The policies “WERE CHANGED”.
    The U del Mar HAD no controls, etc, it does not exist anymore, (past tense).
    It could be interesting to analyze the point of view of people who oppose the reforms.


