Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blog 6: My favourite movie

My favourite movie is the Star Wars III: The empire Strikes Back
I see this movie when I was a child, the special effects an the ligth sables fights made me crazy, I just loved this movie! Later to see this movie my mom bought me a video game for nintendo of this movie and in there I can understand better the argument of the movie.

I think this is a one of the most important movies of the Starwars saga because is in this film when LKuke Skywalker beggins is trainning like a Jedi to figth the dark side... It's memorable the moment whrn Darck Vader says to him "I'm your father" ¡It's a classic line of the cinema!

Throgth the time I understand the sense of justice inneded in this movie, the heroism of the diferent characters and the importance of this movie to the history of the cienema... Other think what I like of this movie is the music, John Williams it's an amazing composer! his teacher was be Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco, an Italian composer what I know very well because the last year I played a music work of him.

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