Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog 8: My favourite wild animal

My favourite wild animal is the Condor.
The condor it's a bird with falcons characteristics: Is a really big animal, lives in high places like mountains, and is a animal in danger of extinction.
The Condor is familiar to all the Chileans because is one of the emblem animals with the HuemĂșl.
On my past vacations in Osorno I and my friends go to walk at the forest, in there we found a beautifull waterfall (maybe with 50 meters of high) and we climb it. At the top we see all the forest, the Llanquihue Lake and the border of the lake and, fortunately, Condors flying arround. That was a great experience for us and specially for me because travel to the south isn't easy for me and also see this beautiful animal... wow! a really nice adventure!

In Chile we have a famous comic called "Condorito", it's a Condor! and he lives en Pelotillehue, place of his anecdotes. Pepo, his creator, uses this animal because he thinks the Condor is the most representative animal of this country.

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