Thursday, June 12, 2014

Blog 9: How to be the best public administrator

To be a good public administrator, in my opinion, is basically be a good profesional. In this situation the motivation and caring are fundamental. The skills, hard study, comprimose and love moves you to the profesional sucessfull and then to the social contruction.
This country has been made by us, we need to serve to others to construct the civilization what we want. To this propose, the public administrators have a fundamental rol because the public policies study and apply the strategies to make this country better.
A real problem regarding this point is the corruption, too many presidents, ministers, and governors are faumous for the fraedulent stealing of state's money destroying the social peace and the social confidence to the goverment.

Other problem is the old policies form the dictatorship. The private emprices absorving the (i) ecomony, (ii) the public education and, in some cases, (iii) the justice; Needs a real and radical change to the old policies and, inclusive, the constitution.
In conclusion, a good public administrator needs to combat this (and others) problems, working for his country with dedication, honesty, love and hope to construct the real "Garden of Eden", the country what all of us, the citicents, want.

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