Thursday, April 17, 2014

4th Blog: "Career related blog" - Musical analisys

One of the most interesting courses in my carrer is musical analysis. It basically consists of knowing how music works. I studied analysis for the first time three years ago, and now I am an assistant teacher in this area.

I discovered, through time, a natural skill to teach and for this reason I would like to be a professor in a music conservatory.

But, musical analysis isn't the only course in which I have some skills... In music interpretation too.
I wish to study a Master's degree in Basel - Switzerland with Pablo Marquez, an Argentinian classical guitarrist. This Master course consists in studying music of the XX century and lots of musical styles like dodecaphony or free atonality, for example.

Maybe in the future I will teach these two study areas of music -analysis and interpretation- but I've a lot of interests like conducting and composing.

Monday, April 14, 2014

2nd Blog: New academic semester

This is my 5th year of studies at arts faculty in University of Chile. In this semester my courses are "Guitar V" and "Chamber music", also I have languages studies like "English III" in INAP and "German", this last one in laws faculty.

This semester I want to do many things like play a solo Classical Guitar concert in Laws Faculty and write a article to the Chilean music review.

Also I plan to participate in extracurricular activities like the "TIF" - Inter-faculty sports tournaments- with the swimming arts team, or participate in "Misión País"  -voluntary works in poor zones of the country-.

Well, this is just the begining of the year and I've a lot of energy to do all what I want to do! so... Let's work!

1st Blog: Autobiography

My name is Gonzalo López, I was born in Santiago - Chile in September 17, 1988.
When I was 9 I took my first Guitar class at school, and now I study Classical Guitar at the University of Chile.
My hobbies are sports like swimming and running, and I practice them about 10 years ago.

My parents aren't from Santiago, my dad is from Mininco which is around 2 hours from Los Ángeles in the south; and my mom is from Rancagua, maybe one and a half hours from Santiago. Every year I travel to Mininco on holidays or in the middle of the year just to relax because it's a beautiful place and I hope some day to move there to live and work on my own farm.

14th April - 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

3rd Blog: My favourite technology

My favourite piece of technology.

My favourite piece of technology is the radio. The radio is a receptor of electromagnetical waves, in a complicated process the radio can transform these waves into sounds and reproduce them as news, music, interview programs and other media.

In this photo you can see an old radio, really different from my new mp3 and portable radio.

I used to have my first radio when I was a child and now I have a little portable radio and mp3 player to use all day in every place that I want.

I like the radio because you can listen a lot of music and programs totally free, although not always the reception is good and the sound isn't good. I can't live without the radio and his interesting content.

April 10th - 2014