Thursday, April 10, 2014

3rd Blog: My favourite technology

My favourite piece of technology.

My favourite piece of technology is the radio. The radio is a receptor of electromagnetical waves, in a complicated process the radio can transform these waves into sounds and reproduce them as news, music, interview programs and other media.

In this photo you can see an old radio, really different from my new mp3 and portable radio.

I used to have my first radio when I was a child and now I have a little portable radio and mp3 player to use all day in every place that I want.

I like the radio because you can listen a lot of music and programs totally free, although not always the reception is good and the sound isn't good. I can't live without the radio and his interesting content.

April 10th - 2014


  1. I like the radio because I listen to music from different artists!

  2. Gonzalo! I find it very interesting that your fauvorite piece of technology is the radio. I also enjoy to listening music
