Thursday, April 17, 2014

4th Blog: "Career related blog" - Musical analisys

One of the most interesting courses in my carrer is musical analysis. It basically consists of knowing how music works. I studied analysis for the first time three years ago, and now I am an assistant teacher in this area.

I discovered, through time, a natural skill to teach and for this reason I would like to be a professor in a music conservatory.

But, musical analysis isn't the only course in which I have some skills... In music interpretation too.
I wish to study a Master's degree in Basel - Switzerland with Pablo Marquez, an Argentinian classical guitarrist. This Master course consists in studying music of the XX century and lots of musical styles like dodecaphony or free atonality, for example.

Maybe in the future I will teach these two study areas of music -analysis and interpretation- but I've a lot of interests like conducting and composing.

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