Monday, April 14, 2014

1st Blog: Autobiography

My name is Gonzalo López, I was born in Santiago - Chile in September 17, 1988.
When I was 9 I took my first Guitar class at school, and now I study Classical Guitar at the University of Chile.
My hobbies are sports like swimming and running, and I practice them about 10 years ago.

My parents aren't from Santiago, my dad is from Mininco which is around 2 hours from Los Ángeles in the south; and my mom is from Rancagua, maybe one and a half hours from Santiago. Every year I travel to Mininco on holidays or in the middle of the year just to relax because it's a beautiful place and I hope some day to move there to live and work on my own farm.

14th April - 2014

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